I went tractor pulling on Saturday 6-2-2012. It was the first pull of the year at Pelion. I signed up for the 7000, 7500 and 8500 pound classes and got 2 firsts and 1 3rd place. So I think it was a pretty good day!
After I had pulled my 3 classes I went to the concession stand and got a cheese burger. Normally I only get a plain cheese burger because I had all kinds of different hamburgers & cheese burgers at tractor pulls. I was pleasantly suprised to get a burger that was cooked just right in a bun that was toasted just right. I sat around talking to Tony and decided to go back and get another cheese burger and this time I thought what the heck, I ordered it all the way! This burger was the best burger I have ever had at a tractor pull!!!!!!! $3.25 for a cheese burger all the way. I had burger that cost more that were really bad compared to this . So next time there is a tractor pull in Pelion don't just come to watch the pull, come to get the best tractor pull burger on the East Coast!!
Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts, When your at the pull there are not many places to eat!!!!!
Things We Dream Of
6 days ago