Our email provider changed from one setup to Google and it has taken 4 hours to figure out how to log in to the blog. I had to change over to a different email. The old one still works and is the best email to send me a message. It has been a different kind of year. At first lots of rain and farmers could not get in the field to plant their crops and then it turned dry and some of the crops burnt up due to a lack of water. Some of out fresh salvage is a JD 4430 and a New Holland 3930 and we have torn down 2 cubs and a IH 140, 2 JD 1020 diesels and yes I have the injection pumps rebuilt and ready for sale off of the JD 1020's. Also tore down a JD 3020, JD 1050,JD 850 Ford 8N and others. If you need parts call me
Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts, A year later
Things We Dream Of
6 days ago