Saturday, February 7, 2009

Last Day of the Southern Farm Show

Friday was the last day of the Southern Farm Show in Raleigh NC. The number of people that were there was probably more than day one and two combined. I was busy enough that I did not get a chance to go and get a hotdog for lunch until about 2.30 in the afternoon and the crowd did not thin out until 3.30 . The most asked about part I had on display was a E5NN10849BA tach/guage cluster that goes in the dash of a Ford tractor. It fits
2600, 3600, 3900, 4100, 4600, 5600, 6600, 7700 and some other models. I had one couple asking about a Tillotson carburetor and that is one that I don't get asked about very often. The 2nd most asked about part was the carburetor I had there which was a 17A11 Zenith carb. The 17A11 fits lots of different tractors like a IH 240, 330, 340, 404, MF TO20, TO30, TO35, 35, 50, MH 50, AC WD and others.
The show ended at 4 o'clock and the madhouse began, all the exhibitors trying to get loaded and on the road. I beat the rush hour traffic out of Raleigh just barely and made it home in time to have dinner with my wife.
Today, I am unloading some of my parts and loading others to go to the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville KY. I will be there next week exhibiting parts. I hope to see some of you at the show.

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