Yesterday, after work Linda & I took a JD 3010 Block to the machine shop to be cleaned and have new cam bushings put in it. Then we met friends for dinner. Then we started home. About 16 miles before we get home we come up on a wreck. A motorcycle had hit a small car and the motorcycle was 50 ft past the point of impact and the driver was about another 40 ft past the motorcycle. We were the fourth or fifth vehicle on the scene and probably only 1 to 2 minutes after the wreck happened. We pulled past the wreck and got out of the truck with Linda grabbing a towel out of the back seat to wave at the oncoming traffic to detour them around the wreck. I walked over to motorcycle rider and ask the guy kneeling on the pavement if he is talking to 911 and he nods yes. I could see he had extensive injuries and all any of us could do was talk to him and keep him from moving until the Rescue Squad got there. I don't think he could hear any of us but, maybe. I look around and see the other car but do not see a driver and as I walk closer I can make out his toboggan which was the same color as the interior of the car so it blended in until I was right on the car. I walked around the car looking for gasoline leaks and sparky parts and did not see any and knocked on the glass and talked to the driver. He was conscious and able to talk to me. At this point an EMT guy pulls up and determines that they need the helicopter for the motorcycle guy and gets on the radio to get it flying. About this time a LPN stops to help and the Rescue squad vehicles get there and other EMT's and Paramedics show up and I know enough at that time to stay out of the way. It probably took 8 minutes for the Rescue Squad vehicles to get there and from my perspective it seemed like a life time.
There were car parts and motorcycle parts all over both of the north bound lanes of the highway. I don't know what happened. Linda and I both looked at the scene before we left and could not figure out what had happened.
It can be dangerous on the road today. All you can do it pay attention and try to be safe.
Things We Dream Of
6 days ago
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