Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Truck Load of Tractor Parts Part 2

Finally, the truck load of parts are on the shelf and ready to be sold and shipped. We actually finished checking them in yesterday, but it has taken all day to correct the mistakes on the packing list. When I got all the pallets in the warehouse I barely had room to move around at all. I got some new parts in the stock order that I have not had on the shelf before. One of them is a Radial Piston Pump Camshaft kit for the MF 1100,1130,1105,1135,1150,and 1155 tractors. Now that the stock order is up maybe I can get back into my routine. Speaking of routines, Baylee is pawing at my leg to remind me that it is her supper time.
Southeast Tractor Parts, A whole Truckload of New Parts for YOU!

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