I pulled at Lexington SC this Saturday with my new rims and tires on my SMTA tractor. I still ran out of traction. However, I ran out of traction 10 feet past my competition that I had never beat before Saturday. I had been pulling against" mpuller" for 1-1/2 years and had never beaten him. I had been close within 2-3 feet and I have been as far as 40 ft behind him and would always run out of traction and spin out. So yesterday I was a happy camper!!!! All the hard work paid off. Larry see what you missed by not being there.
Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts
Things We Dream Of
6 days ago
Weeeellll until the job market picks up I will stay closer to home, if we were pulling every two weeks I would have to miss a few! Maybe I'll get down there before the end of the season. Hey is RMWSD pulling with ya'll?
I have not seen RMWSD this year. I have talked to him a couple of times. I hope you can make it down to pull at Lexington this year. It is an excellent track! This economy is tough on everyone.
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