I just had the oddest phone call. A lady called and asked if I was in Jefferson. I said I am south of Jefferson. Then she wanted to know if I had a set of tire chains for a car. I said that I did not have them. Then she said the Walmart store in Jefferson had 5 sets and they were the wrong size for her tires. A Walmart in Jefferson--- You could put all of Jefferson in a Walmart and still have enough room to drive around it. I said "Jefferson does not have a Walmart" and she said I know it does I just talked to them and I am going to NC and need a set of chains.
I think she needed more than a set of chains!
Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts, Will wonders never cease.
Things We Dream Of
6 days ago
Merry Christmas to both of you! Hope the lady get to her destination, she must have been in Wes Jefferson NC
Well she said she was in SC. It makes you wonder sometimes if anyone knows where they are!
I hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas also!!
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