I have been a member of the National Tractor Parts Dealer Association since 1989. I have served as a director of the association, and as the vice president and president but this year I am just a member. This is probably the position I am most qualified to serve. All in all it was a good informative meeting. I found some new suppliers that will provide me with some new parts I have been looking for to meet my customers demand. The best "meetings" were in the bar at the end of the day. For some of us , this is more a family reunion to catch up with what is going on with familys and friends. Linda did not go this year and I was asked"Where's Linda?" about 100 times from various people aroound the country.
Friday night I went to the Grand Old Opry at the Ryman Auditorium. They were doing a live radio show while we were there for the 2 hour show. It was a good show. The wood pews (seats) had my butt numb in about 30 minutes. There were singers from the 70s & 80s as well as singers that are current so it was a good mix of country music. And it was interesting to be in a live radio show, especially one I have listened to many Friday and Saturday nights as I was growing up. The rest of the time I spent in the Trade Show looking for deals. I did find a couple of deals and brought them home with me. I had the cab of the pickup full of clutch packs and guage assemblies.
Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts,Always looking for a deal!!!
Things We Dream Of
6 days ago
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