Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dawn of a New Day!

I went and voted this morning. I was the first one there and had to verify the vote box was empty and the seals were in place. It was the first time I have been the first to vote.
When I got home there was a beautiful sunrise lighting up the sky. If I believed in omens then I would be able to say that the beautiful sunrise would mean that things are going to change for the better because of how we vote. However, on the other hand I ran my pickup out of fuel on the way home. I had 5 gallons in a fuel can in the bed of the truck I had been hauling around for a week and I put it in the truck and got it cranked back up and drove it straight to the store. Seventy two dollars later I had a full tank. So I will let you figure out what these omens mean.
Maybe, someone is saying Good Luck!!!

Eric Benton

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