Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Tires for Larry

Larry, I found you a new set of pulling tires for that WD45. I think this will solve your traction problems!!! The specifications are on the poster in the picture. They cost $11238.36 each, but I made a deal with him and got 4, 2 for you, 2 for me for $7000.00 each. I paid him so just send your check for 2 of them. It will put you in the winners circle every time this year!!!!! John if you think you need a set I can get them added to the order!!
PS If you want another inch of tread. I can get it added to the tire for another$2000.00 per tire.
Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Pulling, Gotta stop them tractors from spinning!!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I got this Turbocharger for a Ford 8970 . I can also get turbos for most makes and models.
Eric Benton. Southeast Tractor Parts, More air more power!!!

Tire cutting

This is how you look after cutting a set of tires for pulling!!

Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts, I will not cut tires for a living!!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Looking Forward !!

Thursday Night!!

I am setting here listening to WSOC on the computer while I have catalogs copying in the CD Duplicator. It will copy about 75 discs per hour. I have another 88 discs to go before I finish tonight. I will have about 700 to take to the National Farm Machinery show.
One of the vendors is making a nice JD AR26625 steering wheel for a 3020 and 4020 and other tractors. They also have the black steering wheel cap and a white cap for the 1010 and 2010. The caps are about $36.00 up till now the only new cap I could find was about $65.00. This is a nice OEM quality cap and steering wheel.
I ordered a new Carburetor kit today for the zenith carb used on a lot of different tractors. It has all 3 gaskets in it to fit 3 different carbs. People call us wanting a zenith carb kit and they don't know which one it is and now I can send this one and one of the gaskets will work. It will make my life easier. And it will be priced about the same as a regular kit.
Did any of you see in the paper that Mexico had the worst freeze that they have had in 50 years!! Must be more of the global warming!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2 Years

I am at Raleigh for the Southern Farm Show this week. Yesterday was a pretty good day but Today was probably 10 times as many people. I was busy from about 9:30 to almost 4 in the afternoon talking to people about the parts they need.
Tomorrow is the last day of the show and I hope it is a good day!!!
Today makes it 2 years that I have been blogging. Sometimes it is hard to find the time or inspiration to write.
I talked to the guy that puts on the tractor pull in Pelion SC and his first pull this year is the last Saturday in March. I might be ready by then, I still have a set of tires to cut. Also have a little work to do on my tractor.

Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor parts, 2 years and counting!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Burnt out Headlight!

I went to Mcbee and picked up supper last Saturday night. The Police pulled me over coming home and informed me I had a front headlight burnt out. I did get a "blue driving award" but it was only a warning and not the real deal.
The next day I changed the light bulb out. It took me about 30 minutes and 17 cuts on my right hand ranging from 1\8 in to 1 inch long. My hand looked like it had been through a meat grinder.
The light bulbs are fairly cheap but all the sharp edges are well SHARP EDGES!!!!

Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts,Not a real good bulb changer!!!