Last night I worked on a JD 1020 fuel tank that leaks fuel out of the bottom of the tank. The tank had rusted out from collecting water in the tank. The water collects in the bottom of the tank and starts to rust the steel tank. My customer had taken this tank to a welder to have the tank welded up but the more he welded the more holes he created in the tank. I have been fiberglassing fuel tanks for 29 years and have probably done 200 or more. Some of the tanks had holes in them as big as my fist and the fiberglass sealed them up . The first picture is where I have cleaned the parts of the tank I am going to fiberglass and the other 2 pictures are where I have put the fiberglass on the tank and am waiting for it to cure. The 2nd picture shows the hole in the bottom of the tank where the fuel comes out and goes to the transfer pump. This tank costs about $1100 at John Deere. I have fiberglassed diesel fuel tanks, gas tanks, plastic spray tanks and plastic fuel tanks. I fiberglassed the inside of a AC WD fuel tank that had more holes in it than I could count because it was the original fuel tank for the tractor and the customer was restoring the tractor. I also have a couple of JD dealers who send me tanks and customers when a tank has gone obselete and cannot be found used.
Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts,Fuel costs to much to leak it on the ground!!!
Wow I thought you had given up on the blog. How did yoou coat the inside of the tank? Pour the liquid in and roll the tank around to coat?
We are hosting a pull for the rescue squad on Saturday...Sure would like to see ya'll!! A fellow is bringing a couple VAC and might be looking for a driver for one of them!!
No, I have not given up on the blog just been busy. Everything I did to this tank was done on the outside. The inside of the tank looked good. They just rust holes in them on the bottom of the tank.There is a solution you can buy to coat the inside of the tank and some people do real well with it and some people get real poor results. We are going to Liberty Ga to pull with Ray Foster's group this Saturday. Hope ya'll have a good day!
Thanks, Eric
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