Saturday, I went to Liberty Ga. to pull with Ray Foster's group and I had a pretty good day. I got 2 second place finishes. The track was hard and a lot of us had a problem getting traction. There were probably 60 to 70 tractors there and most of them were the Hot farm class rather than antique. The crowd likes the tractors and trucks that go fast and make a lot of noise.
As I was coming home I was treated to a pretty good lightening storm for about 65 miles before I caught up with the rain in Camden. Then it was 30 to 40 miles per hour all the way home. The mileage one way is 155 miles and about 3 hours to drive it in the big truck. The next pull will be in Lexington SC on Sept 12,09 .
Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts, See you at the tractor pull!!
Things We Dream Of
6 days ago
That RAIN you spoke of shut us out Saturday. We has a really good crowd and the prospect was great, I was even going to drive a VAC for Lee Sockwell. We wioll be re-running it on Saturday, Wish ya'll would come join us even if just to watch.
We only got 1/2 inch here at the house. I was hoping for 1-2 inches.
You should make the trip to Liberty to pull at least once. They have a lot of 3500,4000,4500 tractors pulling stock and super. There stock is only limited to 3.5 mph. Run whatever RPM and tires that you want to run.
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