Friday, September 9, 2011

The reason I have no hair!!

I ordered a pto sleeve to adapt a 1-1/8 in diameter PTO shaft to a 1-3/8 in yoke on a cutter. The customer gave me the measurement of the shaft and the measurement of the yoke and I ordered the right part to make it work. Today, he comes in and he tells me the exact opposite of the first description. The shaft is 1-3/8 in diameter and the yoke is 1-1/8 in . Now it is a $35.00 part instead of an $8.00 part. And I have freight on the wrong part and freight to send it back or my money is tied up in stocking it. This is the reason I ask questions to be sure I get the right part because it costs to much to correct errors. 15 years ago it would cost $8-$10 to get a part in and send it back. Today, It cost $9.50 to get it here and it will cost the same amount to send it back. As a Customer you should know what you want and when I ask a question know the answer DO NOT GUESS the answer. If you do not understand what I am asking. Ask me to explain it. I will be glad to take the time bcause I want you to get the right part the first time!!!!
Happy customers are good for business!!!!!

Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts, Doing the best I can on your information!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This morning I had a customer and his wife pull up on a motorcycle pulling a trailer. A nice motorcycle and matching trailer. He comes in and asks if I have a Ford 3600 drag link and I look it up and have a new one on the shelf. He said he saw the sign out on the highway and made a u turn and got the right part for his tractor. He put the drag link in the trailer and continued on home. The weather today is rainy from the remnants of the Lee storm so every half hour or so it rains anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. They had another 130 miles to go to get home. It was the first motorcycle with a trailer behind it that I have ever had pull in front of the front door!!

Eric Benton, Southeast Tractor Parts, Just when you think you have seen it all!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Yesterdays Bumper Sticker

Politicians should dress like Nascar drivers, then the public would know who the corporate sponsors are!!