Several times this past week I have had people order parts for their tractor. This is not unusual it happens every day. The phones ring and people need parts. Most people, well 95 percent know what they need. The other 5 percent will order a clutch plate for a
MF 135 and when it gets here he has a
MF TO35. They have different clutch plates that will not interchange. Or order a wiring harness for a Ford 4600, but when it arrives and will not work--- "well my buddy says it is the same as a 4600", but really it is
industrial Ford not a 4600. Or he orders a muffler for an Allis B, but I know he is working on an Allis CA and I ask is it a B or a CA? He says they are the same thing. If they were the same both would be only a"B" or a "CA". They would not be the same tractor with 2 different names made in different years. Most of the time when we get the wrong part the customer has told us the wrong tractor. Or they answer our questions wrong. I have asked customers if they have 28 inch or 38 inch rear tires to determine whether their tractor is a utility style or a
rowcrop style. The parts are different. The customers answer was 28 inch. When his parts got there they would not fit, so I ask again and the answer was 38 inch this time. There are other questions that are more difficult that we have to ask to determine what you have or what you need. I
quess what I am trying to say is "If you don't understand what I am asking then you should say""I don't understand what you are asking" . I will be glad to tell you what you have to look at to determine the answer. This way you get the right part the first time!!! I
do not expect you to know all the answers and I will help you be able to get the answers so I can take care of you.
This is about the right part the first time. It keeps my expense's down which keeps your cost down.
Southeast Tractor Parts, The right part the first time!!!